Janet Lee Carey is well known for her rich and engaging fantasy novels, including Dragon’s Keep, which received a starred review from School Library Journal that stated, “Nonstop action may keep readers glued to this page-turner, but strong writing and character development are what will make it linger in their memories.”
In Stealing Death, you have constructed the parched wilderness of Zoyla, a melting pot of different ethnic groups whose complex cultures resemble our own with their varied social and economic class distinctions, languages, and spiritual beliefs. What type of research did you undertake in order to construct the intricate workings of Zoyla? For instance, did you travel to any drought-ridden locales to get a feel for the landscape?

One striking feature about Stealing Death is that it explores other interesting issues beyond the question of whether or not Kipp can stop death. For example, many immigrants who come to Zoyla are labeled as “Pales” and are met with extreme prejudice. Another issue would be gender equality-a father thinks it's acceptable to marry off his daughter as payment for his gambling debts. What are your hopes for Stealing Death and the type of reflection it will stimulate with teens?
Thank you for asking this. Another word for fantasy is speculative fiction. One of the reasons I love the genre is because it allows me to thoroughly explore cultural values. Creating new societies allows me to look at things in a new light (such as the prejudice against pale skinned people in Zolya). Prejudice is a learned belief and behavior. We all know that, but turning things around in a story can stir up some new & interesting conversation. The same is true for the treatment of women in Zolyan society. Zolya isn’t much different from many places in the world today. Woman still have a long way to go. Zalika is strong enough to challenge women’s roles in her culture (something she’ll continue to do in book two). Her predicament in Stealing Death should engender some interesting discussion.
The names of the characters in Stealing Death are all very unique-- Zalika, Sor Joay or the Death Catcher “The Gwali” being just a few examples of them. Did you carefully select each character name to convey a certain meaning representative of their distinct personalities? Also – is there one character in particular that you are especially fond of?

Is there one character I’m especially fond of?
Kipp, Zalika, Jilly, and Sor Joay are all my family. I’ve lived with them in my head for more than a year, so I can’t pick. I can say I’m not fond of Sag Eye or Zalika’s father (though villains are a blast to write!).
Do you have a favorite line, scene or passage within Stealing Death to share with us today?
I like the one on the back of the book:
He looked skyward, letting his mind reel out and out, beyond the mountains, the far off sea, his childhood home of Gare in the damp and freezing north, beyond the earth where he’d known little happiness in his seventeen years of life.
In his mind he was flying through silent space where dragons soared, a place beyond the tether of time.
“There you go,” said Sa Minn, as if she were seeing right into his dream.
She left him there with the bloodstone in his hand and the witch’s jar in his pocket. A rock, a small glass jar of sticky magic potion, all he had against the power of death.
The bag that the Death Catcher uses to steal the souls of the dead is called “Kwaja”. Kwaja is a mysterious, fascinating aspect of your novel. Can you discuss the soul sack in more depth- how it works, the inspiration behind its depiction in the novel, etc?
The original idea for writing a “death tale” was from the Appalachian story, Soldier Jack, where young Jack captures death in a sack. The idea fascinated me. My first exploration of the idea was the Death Catcher in The Beast of Noor. In that book he’s called the Darro. I wanted to give a whole book to the idea, thus Stealing Death. I discovered after writing Stealing Death there is a Hindu God of death, Yama who captures souls in noose. These images have been around a very long time. My novel takes a different slant, but Kwaja is mysterious, and remains so even to me.
Do you often hear from readers about your novels? What sort of feedback do you receive from readers and can you share with us one of the most positive comments you’ve had?
As part of your book launch for Stealing Death, you are joining with schools and readers to raise money for a PlayPump that will provide clean drinking water to a village in sub-Saharan Africa. Can you tell us more about this project and also any other special plans you have to celebrate the launch of your novel?
When I researched drought-ridden sub-Saharan Africa to create a realistic landscape for Stealing Death, I was profoundly moved by the suffering I saw and knew I had to do something. Play Pumps International builds clean water pumping systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The pump is designed as a child’s merry-go-round. Children at play pump the communities clean water! It’s an elegant solution. We hope to raise 14,000.00 (enough to build a new pump!) for the Stealing Death Water for Life Challenge. I’ll be talking about Play Pumps International on my school visits this year, raising awareness and funds, school to school. I’m pretty psyched about it.
We had a terrific book launch party at Parkplace Books 9/12/ 09 with a live marimba band, dancing, drums, and book sales and PlayPumps fundraiser.
On your website it says there will be a sequel to Stealing Death. Can you discuss this with us and also any other writing projects you are working on?
I’m working on three books just now. Bound By Three a medieval fantasy following Dragon’s Keep Dial Books 2010. The sequel to The Beast of Noor Egmont USA 2010, and, yes, the sequel to Stealing Death. More adventure awaits!

“What?” the witch asked around the scrap of meat she was chewing.
“I want it so no one I love will ever, ever, ever have to go inside again.”
“It’s not for mortal hands to have.” The witch spat out a bit of bone.
“You know magic. Give me the power to steal the sack.”
When fire steals his family from him, Kipp is left with only his little sister to protect as best he can, and he’s determined that death will not come to her–or to the girl he loves but can never approach.
But who would dare to master death? As Kipp finds out, it’s complicated, and possession of the soul sack is no guarantee of success. Dragon’s Keep author Janet Lee Carey has crafted a stirring and original fantasy set in a harsh and beautiful desert landscape, in which a young man who has lost everything finds the strength within himself to care for those he loves–and to allow those he cannot keep close to him to take a path he cannot follow.
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Contest Ends October 20th
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Please enter me. Thanks for the chance.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
Please count me in!!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Libelula89/status/4646682387
I'm loving the cover to Stealing Death! I would love to read this!
Wonderful interview! I'm so jealous. I can never think of interesting things to ask an author, lol. You inspire me!
I have Dragon's Keep on my TBR list, and will have to read it since there is a sequel coming out in 2010. My sister was reading it, but she's 10, and easily distracted by things like computers and TV, lol. It's going to the top of my TBR pile now. I can read it for the upcoming Fairy Tale Week! Exciting! I have you to thank for reminding me that I have it :)
Stealing Death looks really intersting and I would love to win a copy. Thanks for such a great interview and giveaway!
This looks great! Fabulous interview and what an inspiring author! Please enter me.
I tweet tweeted!
Would love to read this!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
This sounds like an interesting read! Count me in please
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I absolutely love Janet Lee Carey's books, and hope hope hope I win!
Also it's on my sidebar at twoandahalfbooklovers.blogspot.com
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And I've tweeted about it!
Hi :)
Thank you for the great interview with @janetleecarey & thanks to Janet for sharing!
FanYAY! for three more novels coming soon.
All the best,
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+1 I tweeted at https://twitter.com/jpetroroy/status/4655797771
Please enter me! This book sounds great.
Hey! I would love to be entered too. :)
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branquign0le at yahoo dot de (the "o" in "branquignole" is a zero).
Please enter me for this giveaway contest. :D
linna.hsu at gmail dot com
I'd love to win!
I would love to win! pls enter me!
sensitivemuse at gmail dot com
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please count me in..
How can I resist when the author's last name is the same as my first! Plus they all sound so good!
Please enter me!
thetometraveller *at* yahoo (dot)com
Ah! please enter me!
Can you please enter me?
katiepinn at googlemail dot com
Oh, please enter me! I loved Dragon's Keep!
I havent read this book yet so I would like to enter.
Great interview! I was at Janet's release party for this book so I got to hear firsthand about her inspiration for the book and so on, but it was interesting to hear about Stealing Death in more depth.
No need to enter me in the contest :D
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Hi, i just found this from Win a book.
You are a new for me Author. I'd like to have the chance to win it.
uniquas at ymail dot com
I'd love to play please!
I'd love a shot at this. Thanks for sharing it.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Great interview! I would love to read this book, please enter me :)
Thank you!
can't resist that cover art
please include me!
thanks for the contest!
tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/andreadbc/status/4702834488
adbcoz (atGMAILdotCOM)
Great interview!
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Please enter me, I also linked the contest on my sidebar. :)
A Blog with Bite!
i loved dragon's keep and would love the opportunity to read more of this author. please sign me up!
Enter me in please. Thanks
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
Sounds great!
Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.
avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it
Please enter me! I want to read that book!
thanks for the contest!
I would love to read this! Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail . com
"Stealing death"! I love it. Please enter me for a chance to win this :)
Email: kiwibooklover at gmail dot com
Thanks so much!
I remember this legend from the Fables series! Always love to see a different take on something like this. Please enter me :)
Please enter me. I want to read this so much. Thanks.
-- Chelsea
I know someone who would love a signed copy of this book. Please enter me.,
Thanks so much This seems like an amazing book and i would love to win a signed copy
I want in, please!
carlos_durao AT hotmail DOT com
This sounds really good. Please enter me!
Please enter my name in the drawing.
I am a new follower and subscriber.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
The title of this book grabbed me most. And after reading your author interview just enhanced Stealing Death's coolness. A lot of great questions were asked. Thanks for that :)
+1 I've also linked this contest to my sidebar.
Thanks, Kim!
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
This sounds like an awesome book! Please enter me.
+1 Posted about this contest on my sidebar at
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educhico AT gmail DOT com - put this one on this giveaway
Oh, good offer!
jafantunes AT sapo DOT pt
Dragon's Keep is an Oregon Battle of the Books title this year. I'd love to have another of her books in my middle school library! Thanks
I would love this one!
o_rei_de_havana AT hotmail DOT com
Wow, great giveaway!
Count me in, please, please, please!
catarina DOT magoito AT gmail DOT com
I'd love to read this book - please enter me!
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
I'm up for this!
Please count me in.
It's a great prize!
One more for the road!
joanapatriciadias AT gmail DOT com
My great friend J Dias just sent me an email telling me to sign up for this!
Thank you to her and to you for the giveaway!
tanitalves AT sapo DOT pt
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This sounds like a really good read! I would love to be entered to win! Thanks for the great giveaway!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
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