Today I'm thrilled to welcome Kristina Springer, author of The Espressologist, which releases October 27th! The Espressologist is a novel about a teenage coffee barista who discovers a talent for matchmaking customers based on their favorite coffee drinks. Kristina Springer has a Bachelor of Arts in English Education from Illinois State University and a Master of Arts in Writing from DePaul University. She lives in a suburb of Chicago, IL with her husband Athens and their four small children Teegan, Maya, London, and Gavin.
The Espressologist is about teen barista Jane Turner’s unique matchmaking ability to successfully set up couples based on their favorite coffee drinks (which she calls Espressology). Can you give us a little teaser into the book or sneak peek insider scoop?
Definitely! Let me give you the opening paragraph:
Large Nonfat Four-shot Caffe Latte
Cocky sex-deprived butthead guy drink. Expect only the utmost stupidity to come out of his mouth. So-so body, could stand to work out more. Crappy dresser. Dramatically stares at a woman who comes in with a boob job. He looks like he is going to hurt himself in the contortions he is twisting into…
Was there anything in particular that sparked the idea in your mind for The Espressologist? How long did it take you to write the book and how many revisions did you have to make?
Yeah, I spend lots of time in coffee shops and observing people and like my girl Jane, one day I realized I could tell what people were going to order. I thought hey, I should write a book about Espressology. Then I thought, scratch that, I’ll write a book about an Espressologist and have her matchmake based on her Espressology.
I wrote the entire book in about 4 months. Then my critique partners read it and I revised it a few more times before getting my agent. Then when I sold we edited – maybe 3 or 4 times in line edits and then copy edits.
What is your favorite thing about The Espressologist—scene, cover, character, etc?
The Espressologist is about teen barista Jane Turner’s unique matchmaking ability to successfully set up couples based on their favorite coffee drinks (which she calls Espressology). Can you give us a little teaser into the book or sneak peek insider scoop?

Large Nonfat Four-shot Caffe Latte
Cocky sex-deprived butthead guy drink. Expect only the utmost stupidity to come out of his mouth. So-so body, could stand to work out more. Crappy dresser. Dramatically stares at a woman who comes in with a boob job. He looks like he is going to hurt himself in the contortions he is twisting into…
Was there anything in particular that sparked the idea in your mind for The Espressologist? How long did it take you to write the book and how many revisions did you have to make?
Yeah, I spend lots of time in coffee shops and observing people and like my girl Jane, one day I realized I could tell what people were going to order. I thought hey, I should write a book about Espressology. Then I thought, scratch that, I’ll write a book about an Espressologist and have her matchmake based on her Espressology.
I wrote the entire book in about 4 months. Then my critique partners read it and I revised it a few more times before getting my agent. Then when I sold we edited – maybe 3 or 4 times in line edits and then copy edits.
What is your favorite thing about The Espressologist—scene, cover, character, etc?
Oooh, good question. I’ll go with the end.
What did you do to celebrate when you found out The Espressologist was going to be published?
I remember dancing around with the kids but no real big specific celebration. The book comes out on my birthday though so I think I’m going to have to really do it up!
Where do you do most of your writing and do you have any writing rituals (favorite beverage, music to play, etc)? If you have a picture of your workspace, can you share it with us?
At Starbucks! I almost always sit at the same table. And I always have a coffee drink, my laptop, and sometimes my favorite Trader Joe’s pretzels (depending on if I’m feeling snacky). Music= whatever Starbucks has going on that day- I’m pretty open.
Have you ever tried to play matchmaker with anyone you know, and how did it turn out if you did?
Not too much. I tried a couple of times in college but they kinda backfired on me from what I remember.
When you were seventeen like Jane, did you ever work in a coffee place? If you had any other jobs when you were a teen, can you tell us if there was one you ended up enjoying or conversely, one you REALLY HATED?
I was never a barista, but I worked in a grocery store—first as a bagger and then a cashier. And hoo boy, you want to see some drama, work in a grocery store! The love stories that happened there were endless and complex. And of course I loved it—constant entertainment.
Do you have any advice for authors (teen and adult) who want to become published writers?
I remember dancing around with the kids but no real big specific celebration. The book comes out on my birthday though so I think I’m going to have to really do it up!

At Starbucks! I almost always sit at the same table. And I always have a coffee drink, my laptop, and sometimes my favorite Trader Joe’s pretzels (depending on if I’m feeling snacky). Music= whatever Starbucks has going on that day- I’m pretty open.
Have you ever tried to play matchmaker with anyone you know, and how did it turn out if you did?
Not too much. I tried a couple of times in college but they kinda backfired on me from what I remember.
When you were seventeen like Jane, did you ever work in a coffee place? If you had any other jobs when you were a teen, can you tell us if there was one you ended up enjoying or conversely, one you REALLY HATED?
I was never a barista, but I worked in a grocery store—first as a bagger and then a cashier. And hoo boy, you want to see some drama, work in a grocery store! The love stories that happened there were endless and complex. And of course I loved it—constant entertainment.
Do you have any advice for authors (teen and adult) who want to become published writers?
Write, write, write! A lot of people talk about wanting to write a book but they don’t sit down and do it. Push yourself through writing your entire book. It doesn’t have to be a sparkly first draft. You can always go back and revise like crazy. In fact, you will revise a gazillion times. Trust me. But if you don’t have that first draft, you don’t have anything to revise. Like today for example, I was working and thinking to myself, oh my god does chapter 12 suck! But I had to push through it to get to chapter 13. I know I’ll have to go back to chapter 12 and fix it and I’ll probably have a great idea for how to do so in a week or two. But if I let chapter 12 stop me then the book would never get written. So to sum it up, write, write, write! And read too! You should really keep up with what’s going on in your genre.
According to your website, you have four children, ages six, four, three and one- how do you ever find the time to write?
It’s really not as hard as you’d think. When my husband gets home from work I take off for Starbucks and he does the end of the night stuff with the kids. I’m usually pretty ready to write by that point. And I usually take a few hours over the weekend too.
Of course I have to ask you--Is Espresso your favorite coffee drink? And what type of personality would Jane want to match you up with?
Uh-oh. I was afraid someone would ask me this question. Okay, um, my favorite coffee drink sorta kinda happens to be Jane’s favorite coffee drink too. An iced venti nonfat mocha with no whip. I have to stop there—I can’t tell you who I’d be matched up with!
You have another book coming out in 2010 called MY FAKE BOYFRIEND IS BETTER THAN YOURS. Can you tell us about this catchy title and any other projects you are currently working on?
According to your website, you have four children, ages six, four, three and one- how do you ever find the time to write?
It’s really not as hard as you’d think. When my husband gets home from work I take off for Starbucks and he does the end of the night stuff with the kids. I’m usually pretty ready to write by that point. And I usually take a few hours over the weekend too.
Of course I have to ask you--Is Espresso your favorite coffee drink? And what type of personality would Jane want to match you up with?
Uh-oh. I was afraid someone would ask me this question. Okay, um, my favorite coffee drink sorta kinda happens to be Jane’s favorite coffee drink too. An iced venti nonfat mocha with no whip. I have to stop there—I can’t tell you who I’d be matched up with!
You have another book coming out in 2010 called MY FAKE BOYFRIEND IS BETTER THAN YOURS. Can you tell us about this catchy title and any other projects you are currently working on?
Yes! I’m so excited about My Fake Boyfriend is Better Than Yours. It’s a middle grade book and it’s about two 7th grade BFFs who each think each other’s “boyfriend” is a fake. It becomes competitive (like if one says her boyfriend sent her carnations the other says her boyfriend sent her roses) and hilarious. It will be out in the fall of 2010.
I’m also working on a new young adult book called Pumpkin Princess and I’m totally in love with it. I’m in the first draft stage with this right now.

Publication Date: October 27th 2009
What’s your drink of choice? Is it a small pumpkin spice latte? Then you’re lots of fun and a bit sassy. Or a medium americano? You prefer simplicity in life. Or perhaps it’s a small decaf soy sugar-free hazelnut caffe latte? Some might call you a yuppie. Seventeen-year-old barista Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She scribbles it all down in a notebook and calls it Espressology. So it’s not a totally crazy idea when Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their coffee orders. Like her best friend, Em, a medium hot chocolate, and Cam, a toffee nut latte. But when her boss, Derek, gets wind of Jane’s Espressology, he makes it an in-store holiday promotion, promising customers their perfect matches for the price of their favorite coffee. Things are going better than Derek could ever have hoped, so why is Jane so freaked out? Does it have anything to do with Em dating Cam? She’s the one who set them up! She should be happy for them, right?
With overtones of Jane Austen’s Emma and brimming with humor and heart, this sweet, frothy debut will be savored by readers.
You can order The Espressologist HERE.
You can order The Espressologist HERE.
Kristina has graciously agreed to give away a signed copy of The Espressologist,and if you are the winner, you will ALSO receive a$10 Starbucks Gift Card!
To Enter: Just leave a comment telling me what your favorite coffee drink is (if any). I personally am addicted to chai lattes. Yum!
Bonus Entry: Link/post to any social networking site (myspace, facebook, twitter, blog etc)
Contest Ends November 15th 2009 ( US residents only please)
To Enter: Just leave a comment telling me what your favorite coffee drink is (if any). I personally am addicted to chai lattes. Yum!
Bonus Entry: Link/post to any social networking site (myspace, facebook, twitter, blog etc)
Contest Ends November 15th 2009 ( US residents only please)
Don't forget to stop by Fantastic Book Review each Monday for a little Monday Madness too!

She makes it sound so easy to write with that many kids. Maybe she is sipping too many frothy drinks. LOL, great interview. The cover for this book is darling.
If I drink coffee, I liked the Iced Mochas, it's like chocolate milk with a punch!
I'm not a big coffee drinker, but I am a big fan of apple cider and cocoa. (: Please enter me! I can't wait to read this book--it looks so cute!
Bonus: Posted to my blog's sidebar! Thanks!
ebcella AT comcast DOT net
I love White Chocolate Mochas!!
amyturci at yahoo dot com
I only drink non fat carmel lattes with a shot of raspberry!!
This book sounds great and I LOVE Starbucks! My favorite drink is a skinny upside down caramel macchiato!
Such a fun interview!! I love the opening paragraph, and her newest book sounds awesome!
Please enter me. My fav drink would probably have to be those chilled Starbucks mochas you can buy in four packs at grocery stores. Those are so good.
Great interview! I am excited to hear more about My Fake Boyfriend Is Better Than Your's. I think my 7th grade students will adore it!
My favorite coffee is Starbucks Signature Espresso Chocolate Truffle. It is so much better than hot chocolate, but lacks the yucky taste of coffee.
shalondasblog (at) hotmail (dot) com
Great interview! I really wanna read this book.
My favorites are cappucinos and frappucinos.
Bonus: Linked to sidebar
Thanks for the contest!
staysil7 [at] yahoo [dot] com.
My favorite is a yummy Caramel Macchiato!!! mmmm..
+1 Linked on sidebar:
My favorite drink is a White Lite Chocolate with Sugar Free Raspberry. It's basically a white chocolate mocha with few calories :)
+1 on sidebar
I don´t like coffee...
but I would love to read this book.
This book looks adorable. I love coffee, and a book about coffee-like stuff? Too cool. :)
Favorite Drink: Starbucks House Coffee 1 cream 1 sugar.
Or a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino.
(I know I'm a little plain-jane)
+1: Tweeted-
+1 I'm addicted to all kinds of coffee, but my favorite would have to be a caramel latte with a shot of espresso. It's heaven in a little paper cup!
+1 Tweeted it!
Natalie @ Mindful Musings
Please enter me. Thanks for the chance. I am not a cofee drinker. But Starbucks has the best teas.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I'm not a huge coffee fan but if i happen to stop by starbucks, i usually order a cafe mocha. Can't get enough of those!
+1 tweeted
Um... Don't laugh, but I don't drink coffee.
Count me in!
tweeted + 1
Oh, I loved this book! :D
My favorite coffee is an iced cappucino :D
Oops forgot the e-mail address! xD
I like vanilla lattes
Shared the conetest on Facebook
There used to be this teensy tiny coffee hut outside of the Subway that I worked at (in a parking lot, literally only two parking spots wide) and I loved to go there and lattes with a short of vanilla and caramel in them!
Contest linked to sidebar @
My favorite is caramel latte and I treaat myself to it every week,only once a week,I don`t want to get tired of it so I keep it special.
I follow you on Twitter as opalbaker.
Ok, so now I'm REALLY curious about this book. So much that I think I just might order it online...but I'll wait. Maybe luck will be on my side and I'll win this xD
I don't drink coffee now but I did have a brief phase where all I could drink was hazelnut I'm just addicted to tea ;)
I linked your contest on my sidebar!
I used to regularly order the same thing, but now I switch between a double tall latte or cappuccino, and a grande 6-pump chai (extra spicy!). But then last year Starbucks debuted the Espresso Truffle, with is absolute yummy indulgence. So...all four of those? :)
I'm also adding this to my blog sidebar.
Great interview, so funny about how she can tell what people will order!
I don't really like coffee too much, so regular coffee with 3 or 4 creams :)
I like the title of this book! Favorite: just plain black Kona coffee!
my favorite coffee drink is the chocolate-mocha-caramel-whipped-cream-sweet-caffeinated thing. whatever you call it. i love it. though really, i love ALL coffee :D
I tweeted at
haleymathiot at yahoo dot com
Anything with a shot of mint.
No need to enter me but I just wanted to tell my favorite coffee drink = cafe con leche
O Cait! A shot of mint sounds delish!
I love Chocolate Raspberry coffee. Yum!
I'm old fashioned- give me a cup of decaf with sugar, cream and maybe some vanilla and I'm all set.
I Tweeted this twice :: ( and (
I posted it on my side bar under Contests :: (
-Brittany (
My favorite is caramel frappucinos
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I am hooked on Hazelnut coffee i love the smell of Hazelnut in the morning :)
I lurve the smell of coffee, but the taste? Makes no sense, but I can't stand the taste.
No need to enter me, anyway. Not until I get this stupid TBR pile into better shape, anyway!
I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.
Fun interview. The premise is original. Her next book sounds like a screech!
My favorite coffee drink is a mint mocha - they usually only have it around Xmas but it is a treat!
Forgot to mention that we put the contest on our sidebar!
This book sounds like a fun read!
I'm not a coffee drinker, but I've been known to sit at Starbucks with a hot chocolate and people-watch. :)
I tweeted the giveaway too. @afewmorepages
Either a cafe mocha or a regular coffee with an extra shot of espresso.
jennsicurella at verizon dot net
I love the Iced Mochas but I almost never actually get out to get one :-)
love caramel macchiattos mmmmmmmmmm!
rt'd on
post on facebook lisa moore gee (may have to add me to see it)
+ Chocolate-Carmel Latte
+ Linked you at:
(For one week only!)
Thanks! =)
Sounds like a great plot.
I love caramel frappucinos.
I am a lover of the caramel vanilla latte from Starbucks! I also love iced coffees when it's too warm for hot coffee. Anything sweet and delicious with lots of whipped cream and maybe some chocolate dusted on top. I had fun just reading everyone else's favorite drinks! This book sounds awesome. Please enter me to win. Thanks!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
I Tweeted!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
Love this contest! My favorite drink is a tall nonfat Misto with white choc mocha. I drink one almost daily!
I tweeted (I'm @bookmonstrosity).
Enter Me Enter Me
Favorite Drink: Cookies & Cream Frapuccino
Link at:
Email: thebookshopaholic(at)hotmail(dot)com
To be honest, I'm more of a smoothie person :) But I really want to read the book!
count me in por favor!
Love the premise of this book! I love my coffee just good and black! (although iced in the summer is nice too!)
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Starbucks! My favorite is a Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte with an extra shot of sugar-free Vanilla :)
And I blogged about the contest here.
Not entering of course! Just wanted to say hi and I LOOOOOOVE all the fun drinks you guys order!! And the first comment from elnice that said maybe I'm sipping on too many frothy drinks? Oh my god, you had me laughing for like five minutes! :-) So true.
Yay Kristina! I am SO excited for this to come out! :-) Great interview, you two. My favorite coffee drink is, well, tea. Decaf mandarin orange green tea with honey, to be exact. But oh, how I love the smell of freshly-brewed coffee. Heaven.
I'm not a fan of coffee; I always get a caramel apple cider at Starbucks.
PS - Forgot to say no need to enter me in the contest! I already have it on pre-order. :-)
My favorite is a carmael latte!
Starbucks + Books = Heaven for me.
I always get a non-fat white mocha, extra hot! But lately I've been putting the fat back in it lol
Please enter me in the wonderful giveaway!
I also posted a link to this on my sidebar (
Thanks so much!
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
Vanilla iced coffee, please! Although I'm a huge fan of berry-flavored teas and hot apple cider, too.
This sounds like such a cute book!
+1 - linked to First Novels Club sidebar
I actually don't like anything coffee flavored, but if I win I would give the card to my Mom who loves coffee : ) I posted to my sidebar!
adrienne2093 at comcast dot net
I actually don't drink coffeee,but I'm hot cocoa crazy if that counts!!
please include me
I love any type of coffee or anything with caffine LOL. I love starbucks frappucinos yum! Thanks for entering me into this giveaway sounds like a great book!
I actually don't like coffee
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
I ❤ Caramel Macchiatos :P
very fattening buy very yum...
I personally do not like coffee but my mother is addicted. I'll give you her fav. Hazelnut coffee extra cream and nooooo sugar.
-- Chelsea
Posted about the giveaway on my facebook page.
-- Chelsea
I don't like Coffee, but I love Hot Chocolate. Especially the White Chocolate kind.
+1- Tweeted about contest here:
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
I know I commented on this before to enter, but for some reason it's not showing up. So I'm sorry if I accidentally enter twice.
I really want to read this book, even though I might be the only person in the world who DOES NOT DRINK COFFEE!
At Starbucks, I get a classic hot chocolate with soy milk, peppermint syrup, and no mint cream. I then sprinkle cinammon on top! Yum!
I tweeted it (@brizmus)
And it's on my sidebar (
N.B. I do have a US address
I don't drink coffee. I don't even know how to make it when my parents come to town. I just direct them to the nearby Starbucks. But I love dark chocolate hot chocolate.
Your books sounds like a great read! Looking forward to it.
I am a Mocha Frappacino or Mocha Latte, depending on whether I want hot or cold. And always with whip cream!
Wow, what a great interview!
Sadly, I can't drink coffee (the side effect of having an ulcer--it burns like acid) so if it's summer I get passionfruit iced tea and if its winter I'm all about the Chai Tea Latte.
Thanks for the post, and I hope you don't mind that I'm following your blog now...
caramel fraps :)
iced chai tea, mmmmm. This book sounds great!
Favorite coffee drink - frappucino - vanilla coffee flavor - why they ask if you want the whipped creme and chocolate shavings is beyond me... of course! LOL Your book sounds wonderful!!!! Please do count me in on the contest! ;-)
love it already <3
enter me please :)
my favorite would be the peppermint mocha! (christmas special)
"extra" :
Great interview! :)
And I love Chai Lattes, too! Aren't they so addicting?
I like any kind of sweet, creamy coffee! :D
faked_sugartone at hotmail
I'm not a big coffee person, but I love strawberry frappuccinos and anything mixed with enough ice cream/chocolate/mint flavors.
+1 tweet
chel_216 at hotmail dot com
Hi! I'm so dying to read this book. I love the white chocolate frappuccinos. Or a chai freeze.
Bonus: My twitter:
PS. Your blog is so cute!
found this through West of Mars!!
My fave coffee drink is a classic iced mocha, venti iced mocha no whip at Starbucks.
Please enter me
wlcgrad at yahoo dot com
tweeted @wlcgrad
Mm....Starbucks. I love it! Well, let's favorite is definitely a Mocha Frappicino with no whipped cream.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I like a nice hot chai tea. Yummy!
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I LOVE double chocolate chip frappuccinos from Starbucks. Yumm.
And I've posted this on my sidebar:
Mmmm...I like chai tea.
+1 linked to sidebar at
This book sounds really cute!!
Now, I can't answer the question. I actually hate coffee, but its not my fault! The smell gives me headaches!
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
I love Caramel Apple Cider at Starbucks, yumm!!! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Count me in! This book looks great!
My favorite drink is a Caramel Machiatto (I know I misspelled that word)
I'm partial to plain ol' café au lait, myself. :D
Nice contest Kim!
-I actually hate coffee :( I'm sowwie I prefer hot chocolate!
-I twittered here:
Ooh please enter me, thanks!
I'm actually not a fan of coffee... bleck! :P But I do love Starbucks frapps, yum :)
+1 Posted on my sidebar at
cute concept. like tea leaves reading. my hot poison is a mexican mochaccino.
vvb32 at
White Chocolate Moca with a shot of Hazlenut or a Nilla Latte
Unfortunately, I don't drink coffee - but I love Italian Amaretto hot chocolate!!
mmillet at gmail dot com
I love mocha frappachinos!
I am a total sucker for the caramel macchiatos although at holiday time, the peppermint white mocha or the toasted marshmallow mocha are favorites.
I also linked this on my blog sidebar:
Hmmm... I'd love to tell you that I love my coffee simple, with just a bit of milk and sugar. But I'd be lying. I don't like coffee. :-S Wish I did, but I don't. However, I love to READ about coffee. ;-) So, please enter me in this contest!
I was never a fan of coffee. Caffine was always a no-no to be. But it does smell mighty delicious. XD
I also linked this contest to my sidebar.
Thanks for the interview Kim! The Espressologist sounds like a really cute book. I love the cover!
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
I dont really like coffee cuz I need to grow tall but I <3 the whipped cream on the fraps
I am completely addicted to Dunkin Donuts caramel iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel drizzel. I have it at least 4 days a week. On Sundays I buy the super huge size. You could survive in the desert for a week with that one. Please enter me in your awesome contest.
Personally, I'm not much into coffee. =) I'm more of a hot chocolate and Mountain Dew person year 'round. =)
+1 posted on blog []
My favorite coffee drink is Caramel Frappucino's from starbucks, but they have to have EXTRA caramel.
There was one time me and my sisters were getting one, and another lady was standing there waiting for hers. When they finally brought mine and my sisters over, the lady took mine as I was grabbing for it and ran out of starbucks. I guess she was in a hurry, but when hers came out it didnt have the extra caramel. I was so mad! :P
I love Mocha Latte and the Starbucks Cherry Bomb ^^
Favorite coffee drink right now: SA/ Holiday's and Starbucks pumpkin spice flavored coffee drinks. Yummm!
Link to twitter page:
I usually don't get coffee drinks at Starbucks, I more of a Peet's girl. But, I do love the Soy Green Tea & Chai Tea lattes at Starbucks. If I go to Peet's I usually just order an Americano or the house blend.
Thanks for the contest!
Mine is a white chocolate mocha
I love chai tea though I seldom visit Starbucks.
Oh, God. I practically live at Starbucks! Lol, my fav drink would probably be the White Mocha Chocolate! YUM! :P
I, too, am a chai latte fanantic, iced venti with 8 pumps of chai, sometimes 9:) Thanks!
I love pumpkin spice lattes! Yummy!
+1 tweeted
I love the Carmel frappacino, the mint chocolate frappacino, and the pumpkin spice latte. Yummy! Thanks for the chance to win this book!
This looks like such a cute book! Ok my OBSESSION is vanilla soy lattes. They keep me going, they keep me writing and I'm on a first name basis with every barrista within a twenty mile radius of my house. Thanks for hosting the contest.
I don't drink coffee ( I'm only 11) but I can say I love hot chocolate! I like it best with lots of milk added in.
My email is
Great interview by the way :)
I don't have a favorite because I don't like drinking coffee. I do like the smell though. My favorite drink is mountain dew.
Favorite drink.... I am not a coffee drinker so when we go to the coffee shops I always order milk steamers! My favorite was the year that Starbucks had the white chocolate peppermint milk steamers... TO DIE FOR!!
Good luck all!
posted link on my blog too!
I adore chocolate brownie frappachinos!!!
mabelilly28 at yahoo dot com
White Chocolate Mohca extra wip.
Idk, just something about it that i LOVE
My favorite coffee drink is also chai lattes. Please enter me. Thanks!
Not a fan of coffee, but I love the caramel apple drink and the italian sodas.
I also posted this on my sidebar at
I am totally addicted to white chocolate mochas from Starbucks! I also added your button to my site. I am a new blogger and still trying to figure out how to add side bar lists (sad, I know, but my computer hates me!) So I hope that the button can count for it but if not thats cool!
I love Elephant Vanilla Chai with hot chocolate. This is such a great idea for a book. Love it.
+1 sidebar
what a yummy contest!!!
I <3 white chocolate mocha's!!
tweet tweet tweet!
My favorite is mocha latte.
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
I shared on Facebook
my favorite coffee drink is a caramel ice cofee, its delicious! this book sounds great!
Ashley R.
Mmmm Yummy the book and coffee X.o
Im a huge fan of a Chocolate Chip Frappucino with double shot of caramel. Also....
My favorite coffee drink is a caramel frape i think that is what it's called. I really want to read this book.
I love Mocha Frappucinos! I'd really like to read this book. Count me in.
+1 Sidebar:
This sounds like an absolutely awesome book! Please enter me.
I’m addicted to iced caramel coffee! I can’t walk by a coffee shop without getting one!!!!!!
+1 Posted about this contest with a link on my sidebar at
this book sounds awesome!!
i LOVE double chocolatey chip frappacinos :)
thanks for having this contest!
I am not a coffee drinker, but I do love Smoothies and Hot Chocolate from Starbucks! (The cookies and muffins are out of this world!)
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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