Pull Up Your Sweater!
Help Tere keep her voice!
Help Tere keep her voice!
WHAT IS SHRINKING VIOLET? It's a young adult novel about an extremely shy high school senior trying to find her voice and reach her dream of becoming a DJ, despite the obstacles that stand in her way. This is a book I truly loved, believe in and want to help save! You can check out my REVIEW too. It's in danger of going out of print so Danielle is running a contest to help save it.
In addition to the four $25 Gift Certificates to either I-tunes or the bookstore of your choice, Danielle now has these ARC's added to the pot-
Ash by Malinda Lo, Give up the Ghost by Megan Crewe and My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman!
TO ENTER: Head on over to Danielle's blog HERE. It's so easy!
And remember - for every entry you undertake in Daniell's contest, you get 10 extra entries for any contest of your choice at MY blog. Just email me at bookbutterfly9(at)gmail(dot)com letting me know what you did and what contest you want your entries to go for!
Other Great Contests Supporting Shrinking Violet--
(1) Stephanie Kuehnert (I Wanna be Your Joey Ramone & Ballads of Suberbia) is giving away a copy of her truly phenomenal book, Ballads of Suburbia, so check her site out HERE.
(2) Head on over to Kristen's blog at Bookworming in the 21st Century- she's giving away two copies of Shrinking Violet. You can visit her HERE.
(3) Hop on over to Stacey Jay's SITE. Enter to win an arc of her book, Undead Much!
Hi :)
I remember reading your review for Shrinking Violet. It sounded very intriguing, and I had no idea it was going out of print.
Thanks for the post & links,
All the best,
Yay! Go you for supporting her too! I saw your comment on my contest and really hope that she gets a lot of books pre-ordered to help her book stay printed.
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