SWOON Six-Month Anniversary Event!
An Intimate Interview with Sin & Dice
by Nina Malkin
An Intimate Interview with Sin & Dice
by Nina Malkin
SWOON—a novel of possession, betrayal, revenge, obsession and pure, impossible love—celebrates its sixth-month anniversary this month. Protagonists Sinclair Youngblood Powers (aka Sin) and Candice Regan Dice Moskow (aka Dice), and author Nina Malkin, hail BOOK BUTTERFLY for hosting this Q&A, as well as all SWOONIES for their continued interest, enthusiasm and general passion for our story. SWOON has proven to be a success thanks to readers and bloggers who found it, loved it, and shouted from the (metaphorical) rooftops that it must be read. We hope you’ll continue to spread the word on SWOON...but right now, ask away…
Aurora: Sin, Dice, if you could choose only three words to describe your feelings for each other, what would they be?
Dice: Whoa, just three? Sin, you want to go first?
Sin: No, no, ladies first, always.
Dice: Gee, thanks. All right. My feelings for Sin are intense…absolute….eternal...
Sin: Damn, woman! You took the best ones!
Dice: Oh, shut up—there are plenty of other adjectives.
Sin: Very well. I’d describe my feelings for Dice as boundless…primal… true…
Kate: I have a question for Dice. What is your biggest regret in regard to your relationship with Sin?
Dice: Well, some terrible things went down in the town of Swoon, CT, that Sin was responsible for—I regret I couldn’t prevent them. But as to our relationship, I have no regrets. None. I fell for Sin because I believed in his humanity from the get. Trouble was, it took him a minute to believe in it.
Sophia: Sin, do you have any regrets about what you did to the people of Swoon?
Sin: Indeed. I do now. But at the time—and I say this not as excuse, only as explanation—I was a monster, slavering, soulless, intent only on revenge.
Dani: If you could, would you go back and change anything?
Sin: The “correct” answer, the one that would heighten my approval rating, is “yes, of course.” Only I cannot honestly utter it. People were hurt because of me; people died. But that was their destiny. I’ve come to accept that much is beyond my will, that certain events are fated.
Carrie: I have a question for Sin. If you were given the choice to either go back in time and live out a normal life with Hannah in the past, or continue having a future with Dice in the present, who would you choose to spend your life with and why?
Sin: An easy one, dear lady: I would spend my future with Dice. Because she is the woman I now love, and together we have been through so much, but also because if I learned one thing from my latter day experience in Swoon it is that the past is past.
Brittany: Sin, if you, Dice and Hannah were in the same time, who would you be more attracted to?
Sin: Interesting prospect, Brittany! Let us assume we were all at a party. Hannah—that coppery hair, that silvery laugh—likely would have caught my attention first. She was, not solely by 18th century standards, an accomplished flirt, a lady who hadn’t much in terms of wealth or status but knew full well she could beguile any man. Perhaps we might have chatted, danced a reel. Yet were Dice in the same room, I couldn’t have fully focused on Hannah. Quietly, forcefully, Dice would have called to me, and surely I would have heeded that call.
Fantastic Book Reviews: This question is for both Sin and Dice: What do you like most about each other and what annoys you the most?
Dice: Ha! Sin? Annoying? Just that he’s got an ego the size of Jupiter. As to what I like best, I’d have to answer in threes. When Sin was a ghost, I fell for his charm and wit, his mischievous nature, although it came out through my cousin in some scary ways. In golem mode, his conviction was so strong—twisted as it was, I had to admire that. And as a boy? My boy? The way he loves love. To Sin, love rules. At his core, that’s what he’s always been about.
Sin: Another facile one. Her nobility. Dice…what’s the expression? Dice does not play. She does not tweak things to her own advantage. She is honest, forthright. I know that however I may come to her, whatever I may do, she will treat me squarely and consider what’s best for all, even if that means putting herself last. Of course, I suppose that’s what’s most vexing about her, too. When you love someone who’s truly inherently honorable...let’s just say Dice sets the bar rather high.
Cassie: Sin, when you were in control of Pen’s body, were you able to communicate with her? It seemed like there were times when she was “herself.”
Sin: I was conscious of Pen every moment I possessed her, but she wasn’t aware of me, at least as far as I could tell. Much of my time inside her—when she was, as you say, herself—I was busily absorbing 21st century society, learning the ropes as it were. And I was also…well, plotting…
Jess: Sin, what did you love the most about being in the present time period (besides Dice, of course)? Were there things you really hated?
Sin: The endless array of choice is incredible. A dozen different flavors of Gatorade! A dozen Gatorade alternatives! We did not have electrolyte replacement in the 1700s. Aside from that, technology, which I deem a blessing and a curse. It makes for such convenience, yes, but at what cost? Often, Dice and I will get questions to our romance counseling service about whether or not to “text” someone, and frankly it rankles me. Why text when you can talk, when you can touch? Put down the damnable gadget and look into your true love’s eyes!
Kim: What was the full significance of the spanking in the corn maze? Sin, were you trying to show Dice the control you had over her heart?
Sin: Ah, the infamous spanking scene! Yes, Kim, you’re partially correct. I did put Dice across my knee to demonstrate authority—although it was a front, of course; I had no dominion over her, and she had it all over me…she simply didn’t know that yet. I sought to bend her to my will, so that she might not discover her power.
Dice: Only that’s not all. See, Sin’s “crime” was forcing people to confront aspects of their natures that they hid from the world and from themselves. With the spanking, he was simply showing me that I had that in me—me, who was so tough, so street, secretly longed to be humbled. Sin gave me a bliss I’d never willingly admit to wanting. That’s why, afterwards, I was so furious—and so euphoric.
Anonymous: Dice, how is Pen doing in the aftermath of everything that happened while Sin was around?
Dice: I appreciate your asking. Some people think SWOON is the story of Sin and me, but it’s Pen’s story, too. As for how she is, she’s Pen! You know, Rubber Girl, she could bounce back from anything unscathed. Right now she’s at UConn, she thinks she may become a kindergarten teacher—which of course she’d be great at. Oh, and she cut her hair—she’s got a full-on pixie, and it looks great.
Faith: I have a question for Dice: Do you think Ruby really wanted you to drink that concoction you guys were brewing up with all the dangerous items that would’ve killed you?
Dice: Oh…Ruby. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. I think Ruby was lonely, and she really missed me—she was trying to seduce me in a way; she just wanted me with her. I loved Ruby, love her still, but she was that particular kind of damaged person who could never cop to her shit, take responsibility. It was always other people to blame: guys, her mother, me.
Anonymous: Dice, what was it like to fall in love at last sight instead of first? What was it like to have Sin walk out on you? And Sin, why did you leave Dice? Will you ever come back to her?
Dice: Ladies first, I assume?
Sin: Indubitably.
Dice: Okay…umm, it’s complicated. Much as I loved Sin when we were technically together, I loved him more the second I realized it could no longer be that way. My love became too big for my body, too big for my brain and my heart. The way I feel now—the way Sin and I are now—it’s like a bruise that won’t heal. A love bruise, in a special place. Every time I touch it, it hurts. And that’s a good thing…
Sin: You see, Dice and I are not apart; we’re just not together in the literal sense. Our bond is akin to that between a soul in life and a soul in death—very deep, very intricate, more acute, perhaps, than a traditional face-to-face relationship. It’s true that I ache for Dice in the flesh; I ache for her tangibly, her breath, her kiss—I do. But this is what we have now. I do not question it. I cherish it.
Trista: Sin, where did you go? Are you coming back?
Sin: Ah, Trista, let me see if I can—
Dice: Sin, wait. Trista, look, we get this question a lot. But like you, I’m a big reader. And I’ve found some books tie up nice and neat at the end, and that’s fine. SWOON isn’t that kind of book,. The finale is ambiguous so that the “what happened?” becomes yours to decide. The story stays with you, and belongs to you; you become part of the process, and can make up endless endings. “The End” is not the end…
Nia: So is there going to be sequel to SWOON?
Sin: Another oft-posed question. The simple answer is no—at the moment there is no plan for an ink-and-paper sequel. Dice and I cannot fathom why; the novel is successful—multiple printings, some fifty thousand copies in circulation, various international sales—and our website and love advice column consistently get hits. Yet the publisher hasn’t commissioned the sequel readers crave. Still, SWOON the sequel, indeed SWOON the series, does exist, as it pertains to what Dice just said about our story existing, persisting, insisting in the minds of readers. So we call upon you to make it up, pass it on, turn it into something sweeping and viral. Since I assure you, for us, Dice and I and you, the saga most certainly continues.
Thank you to Sin and Dice for stopping by to answer these questions!
Nina Malkin has graciously agreed to give away one signed, personalized copy of
to a lucky winner!
Nina Malkin has graciously agreed to give away one signed, personalized copy of
to a lucky winner!
Leave a comment about the interview or the book
+1 Did you ask Sin & Dice an interview question in my previous post? Let me know in your comment.
+1 Promote this post on any social network of your choice (twitter, facebook, myspace, etc) You get one bonus entry for everyplace you link/post to.
Contest Ends 12/17 and is open to all US and Canadian residents only. Thank you!
Leave a comment about the interview or the book
+1 Did you ask Sin & Dice an interview question in my previous post? Let me know in your comment.
+1 Promote this post on any social network of your choice (twitter, facebook, myspace, etc) You get one bonus entry for everyplace you link/post to.
Contest Ends 12/17 and is open to all US and Canadian residents only. Thank you!

I heard about this book months ago, but haven't yet read it. Would love to be entered for this contest!!
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
I love the cover, its really cool. I liked Sin's answer to who he would be attracted to.
I RT'd you on twitter http://twitter.com/theaprilnichole
I would love to win this!!! Swoon is a special book to me and I LOVED, LOVED reading this interview. I miss Sin!
The book sounds amazing and I love the cover. Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
This book looks so awesome! I am dying to read it:)
+1: Asked question (dont remember exactly what right now, think was something like "if you could change anything you did/said in your past, would you?")
+1: Tweet- http://twitter.com/Danidlion/status/6098234690
This is on my wish list, thanks for the giveaway.
Loved the interview, it was very creative. Love the banter between the characters
+1 tweeted http://twitter.com/EllzReadz/status/6098192535
+1 sidebar post http://ellzreadz.blogspot.com/
Sounds Great!:)
+1 Twittered about it: @PheonixFire2
Great :)
I haven't gotten a chance to read this yet, but the interview was very amusing. It's definitely on my wish-list, so enter me please!
+1 Posted on sidebar: http://www.sophistikatied.blogspot.com
+1 Posted on Twitter. http://twitter.com/sophisti_katied/status/6098785546
I can't wait to read this one!
Retweeted http://twitter.com/cait045
This book has been in my wishlist for a looong time! I would love to win it! Enter me please
I really, really, really want to read Swoon. It sounds amazing and the cover is gorgeous!
+1 sidebar (thebookscout.blogspot.com)
kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com
Yay! My question was used, and i loooved the answer. He chose Dice, that makes me smile. Such awesome answers to everything. I so wish there will be a sequel eventually. I loooved this book, and if you read my post about this contest you will know how sucked in I was, lol.
+1 for leaving a Q in the last post. Again it was used up there! :)
+1 for Tweeting :: http://twitter.com/brttmclv/statuses/6099712340
+1 for posting it on the sidebar :: http://theultimatedumpees.blogspot.com/
+1 for blogging about it :: http://theultimatedumpees.blogspot.com/2009/11/guess-what.html
+1 for posting it as a status on Facebook :: http://www.facebook.com/brttmclv#/brttmclv?v=feed&story_fbid=1301463578745&ref=mf
-Brittany (brttmclv@aol.com)
Please enter me :) Ive heard mixed reviews on this book but yet I want to read it! Thanks!
Wow. Please enter me in this contest. The interview with Sin and Dice was cool! I love the cover and the story sounds very interesting! I would love to read it!!
+1 I also posted a blog entry about the contest for this book.
+1 I also tweeted about the contest
The cover of this book is amazing. I haven't read this one, but I really want now. Great interview..primal, I loved that.
Ive heard about this book a while ago but havent had the chance to read it yet!
Interesting and fun interview. Sounds like a great book.
Linked in post here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2009/11/contests-found-this-week_23.html and on sidebar.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Heehee ego the size of jupiter...jupiter is big and I know that because of SCIENCE! So, suck it :)
I love the cover and the name of the book is great. This story sounds so juicy and dark. It is now on my list to get. Thanks for the review.
dorcontest at gmail dot com
Heard about this book awhile ago, would love a chance to read it :)
I've had this book on my WL and would love a chance to read it!
I would love to win this. Please count me in. I love the intereview. Very cool.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
Character interviews are the best! Thanks for that!:) And the cover is stunning!
Very creative interview. Please enter me
this was a great interview. the answers were so real. I mean they are but...yeah. I havent read this book but this interview makes me want to read it. i can kind of sense what sin is going to be like but im mostly wrong at these things:)
Hi Kim :)
Thank you for introducing me to SWOON and Nina Malkin. It sounds like an intriguing read and the interview was fun & informative. I love character interviews! Thank you to Nina for sharing. SWOON is on my ToBeRead list now.
All the best,
PS- Posted about this on my Blog.
A book without a sequel - this sounds like just what I need right now. I've been reading too many books that just leave me dying for me. And I love the names Sin and Dice. THis interview has me extremely intrigued.
+1 it's in my sidebar under The Contest List
I want to swoon! Can't wait to read the book, great interview. :)
This is the first time I have heard about the book. It sounds like one I would like!
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
This book looks good. I really like the cover. Please enter me!
A very enjoyable interview. An intriguing continuation of the characters. Please enter my name in the drawing.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Interesting interview! It definitely made me interested in the book.
LOVED the interview! I asked the question about the "three words to discribe your feelings" and I loved Dice and Sins answers. Please enter me in your contest I have a person on my Christmas list that this book would be the perfect fit! Just trying to pay it forward..pass along and keep Swoons story going. Thanks Nina
Also posting link to my facebook page!
The characters had me laughing, the interview was a very realistic interview :)
I posted this contest on my side bar. (http://www.findthetimetoread.blogspot.com)
I really want to read Swoon *crosses fingers and toes for good measure*
(findtimetoread @gmail.com)
Great interview! I'm intrigued
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
What a fun interview! I'd love to win. Please enter me in. Thanks!
What a funny interview! I really want to read the book now :D Please enter me.
+1 sidebar link
+1 tweeted
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
I haven't read this yet, but I can't wait to! Please enter me
I luv the fact that Sin answered my question!!
+1 I asked if there was going to be a sequel to SWOON
+1 I posted about the and contest on my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nia.mcqueen?ref=name#/nia.mcqueen?ref=mf
This was so entertaining! Haha there were some funny answers/questions, and it makes me wish I had sent in my own question.
I'd love to win this book!
+1 Posted on my sidebar at http://booksobsession.blogspot.com
Great interview! I love the cover of the book.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
LOL that was a pretty a entertaining interview. I heard about this book quite a while ago, but didn't get a chance to read it.
would love to be entered into the contest.
Thanks for giving us an interview with the characters! I haven't read Swoon yet, but it sounds great.
Linked to sidebar
Thanks for the contest, Kim!
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com
Great interview! I ADORE the cover, it's gorgeous.
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I enjoyed the interview. It was fun to read.
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Jullysay/status/6136005102
This book is already on my Wish List and now I am dying to read it even more!
+1 I posted the contest in my sidebar: http://wickedwalker.blogspot.com/
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/bookbutterfly9/status/6119071186
I'd love to get my hands on Swoon! I've heard that it's a great book! :)
I Tweeted! - http://twitter.com/robbiebear03/statuses/6144254008
Robyn :)
shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom
Please enter me. I cannot wait to read this one, especially since I've heard it be compared to Lisa McMann's works.
I'd love to be entered into the contest. And I'm sad that there isn't going to be a sequel as of now! I'm still rooting for one!
I heard about this book but I haven't read it yet. Enjoyed the interview and Swoon sounds great
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/6147178947
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
Congratulations on the blog anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would absolutely love to be entered!!!
:) Erica
I've had this book on my OMG! I WANTZ IT! list for a while. ;) I would love a chance to win this!
+1 - I reTweeted!
+1 - It's on my sidebar
I heard such great things about this book, cant wait to read it. i loved the interview. thanks for the giveaway!
I've been seeing this book pop up around the blogs... I must say that your cover art is very striking and pulls me right in. I look forward to the story behind the cover.
I hope sin and dice get their sequel!
+1 http://book-mac13.blogspot.com/2009/11/contests.html
I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
Swoon was soooo awesome !
And this interview cleared some things up for me, even though my question wasn't there.... oh, well.
Loved the interview, it gave me the giggles!
I enjoyed the interview and this sounds like a great book. I would love to win a copy.
seriousreader at live dot com
Great interview! Please enter me.
-Kelsey krae991@yahoo.com
OMg i really want to read that book looks so cool!
Swoon sounds like a great new take on a love story.
+1 Twitter: http://twitter.com/whatinabox/status/6454586463
+1 Blog: http://budgetinabox.blogspot.com/2009/12/book-giveaways-week-of-127.html
whatinabox (at) gmail (dot) com
I can't wait to read this book! i've heard so much hype about it!
Please enter me to the contest!
+ i added the link to my sidebar
OOPS! forgot my email on the last post.
Thanks! :D
Hey! I LOVE Swoon! This interview was awesome! Swoon is now one of my favorite books, and it would be awesome to win a copy!
+1 i did post a question for your last post, but it wasn't used in the interview.
+1 posted about it on my blog: http://qtbookworm.blogspot.com/\
+1 facebooked it: http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbutterflybookreviews.blogspot.com%2F2009%2F11%2Fswoon-six-month-anniversary-event.html#/posted.php?id=829782801&success
+1 twittered:http://twitter.com/qtbookworm
+1 twittered on my other account: http://twitter.com/abbey_lee
Fingers Xed!!
Awesome contest :)
Email: aqtbenz[at]hotmail[dot]com
Ooh, I would love to enter this contest :) I've always wanted to read this one. I found the synopsis interesting and the cover looks brilliant.
+1 sidebar: here
This is way too good to pass up! I'd love to enter :)
This is way too good to pass up! I'd love to enter :)
The cover is awesome and it sounds really great too. I've been wanting to read this one for quite some time.
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/thebookpixie/status/6655696034
+1 Sidebar #1: http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/
+1 Sidebar #2: http://frombrianaspointofview.blogspot.com/
This one I have to read, it looks delicious!!!
I really like their answers to the question: if you could choose only three words to describe your feelings for each other, what would they be?
Thanks for the contest!
I would love to read this book! Please count me in!
I tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/crazybluebird
Robyn B
Please enter me
Great interview - I would love to win this book.
This book seems to have everything including betrayal and obsession.
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