A website dedicated to books in the Young Adult genre, featuring book reviews, author interviews contests and much more!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Guest Post with Carrie Jones and Giveway!

Today I'd like to welcome Carrie Jones, author of Captivate. Captivate is the sequel to Need, a book about a young girl who moves to the wilderness of Maine and discovers some very unpleasant pixies lurking about the forest.
Check out Carrie's guest post below and enter the contest to win a paperback of NEED!


Okay. So, you think Pixies are cute and like Tinkerbelle. I am super sorry to tell you this but that is so not the case.

1. Real pixies are not two inches tall.

2. They do not hang out with Peter Pan.

3. They do like lost boys (like in Peter Pan) but not to hang out with, but to suck out their life essence and soul.

4. They like torturing too.

5. They do not make cool entrances at the end of the nightly fireworks display at Disney Land and/or Disney World.

6. There is no merchandise created in their likeness.

7. Did I say that they are mean? Because they are totally mean.

8. Scratch that. Mean isn't the right word. They are evil.

9. Tinkerbell might have jealousy issues about Wendy and Peter but she isn't evil.

10. Real pixies are.

11. Believe me. I know.

by Carrie Jones

Coming January 5th 2010 by Bloomsbury USA

Zara and her friends knew they hadn't solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's needs grow deeper every day he's stuck in captivity, while his control over his people gets weaker. It's made him vulnerable. And now there's a new king in town.

A turf war is imminent, since the new pixie king, Astley, is moving in quickly. Nick nearly killed him in the woods on day one, but Zara came to his rescue. Astley swears that he and Zara are destined to be together, that he's one of the good guys. Nick isn't buying it, though Zara isn't as sure -- despite herself, she wants to trust the new king. But it's a lot more than her relationship with Nick that is at stake. It's her life -- and his.

Carrie Jones is an award-winning author who recently graduated from Vermont College's MFA program. In addition to penning Need, she is the author of the YA novels Girl, Hero; Love (and Other Uses for Duct Tape); and Tips on Having a Gay (Ex)-Boyfriend, which was nominated for a YALSA Quick Pick and won the Maine Literary Award as well as the Independent Book Publisher Award (the IPPY) . Her upcoming picture book Moe Berg, the Spy who Played Baseball (from David Godine) is being illustrated by Barry Moser. Carrie lives in Ellsworth, Maine.


Carrie is giving away one copy of NEED in paperback!
Just leave a comment for her along with your email address.
Bonus entries:
Anyplace you link/post about the contest.
Open to all U.S. Residents
Contest Ends 3/8/2010


Gina said...

Great post! Gee...I never thought about pixies being "bad"...hmmm...definitely another aspect to explore! I've had this book on my list for a while (definite cover envy) so count me in on the contest please!

+1 - tweet tweet - http://twitter.com/GRgenius/status/8843871167
+1 - linking on blog sidebar! http://insatiablereaders.blogspot.com

Thanks for the chance and happy reading!


Kimberly B. said...

This series sounds like so much fun! I always preferred the darker versions of faeries, so dark pixies should be fun, too!
Thanks for the great contest!
+1 I tweeted @KimBea

throuthehaze said...

I love this series!

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This looks fantastic. I've been hearing so many good things about the series. ;)

Jennifer M.

Virginia C said...

Hi, Carrie! Thank you for doing the world a great service by informing us of the true dark nature of PIXIES! "Need" and "Captivate" are both on my wish list : )

gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Terri P said...

This sounds GREAT.

crucible3 at cox dot net


Margay Leah Justice said...

Well, that's a chilling portrayal - can't wait to read more!

Facebooked: http://www.facebook.com/MargayLeahJustice

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Margay/status/8853966805



Tales of Whimsy said...

Super fun post! I love the list.
(this is not an entry)

Mary not so Contrary said...

Great post! I love the idea of Pixies not being the nice little tinkerbells we all think they should be. I LOVE the covers of your books! Mrs.Graef@hotmail.com

ReTweeted about the giveaway.

Thanks for the great giveaway and being a great author!

jpetroroy said...

Great, very original post!

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Please enter me!

Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

Great post! This isn't an entry, simply because I own the book and am reading it right now, but it's so generous! :)

Chloe said...

Interesting list! I read Need from the library but I'd love to own my own copy. And I can't wait to get my hands on Captivate! Thanks for the giveaway!


Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

Evil fairies... I'm hooked.

mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

Erin said...

I have seen so many great reviews for Need and Captivate. I really need to buckle down read them. haha

~Erin D.

tetewa said...

I'd like to be included! tWrner419@aol.com

E.J. Stevens said...

I would love a chance to win!


KMichelleC87 said...

Please enter me in the contest. Thank you.

StephTheBookworm said...

I've gotta read this book! I've heard so much about it. I'd love a chance to win.


Orchid said...

Evil Pixies sign me up. :)

hauntingorhcid (at) aol (dot) com

Reading said...

Great post. I now know all about Pixies. Thanks for the giveaway.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

misskallie2000 said...

Who would have guessed pixies could be evil? You think of cute, sweet little pixies not big bad pixies. Thanks for the giveaway.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

cait045 said...

I love this series. I loved Captivate and can't wait for the next one.


Briana said...

Ooh! Enter me please. I haven't gotten the chance to pick this one up yet! :)


Julie S said...

count me in the giveaway! juliecookies(at)gmail.com

debijackson said...

terrific interview- You've caught my imagination and now I NEED the book. jacksond@nhr3.net

pepsivanilla said...

Love the facts about pixies! I've never been a particular fan of Tinkerbell...but these pixies sound interesting!


Alex Bennett from Electrifying Reviews said...

I haven't read the books yet, but am planning on asap. Great guest post!


Martha Lawson said...

Would love to r ead this one!! Never thought of pixies as evil!!

Please count me in.

I follow

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Mitzi H. said...

I always thought of pixies as pesky??? Would love to read this book.

mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net

Emily said...

I am totally excited to read this book! Enter me please! Thanks Carrie for the giveaway!

emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Pixies are evil! Fun stuff!

Enter me please

foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com

Linda Henderson said...

This sounds like a very intriguing book, I would love to read it.

seriousreader at live dot com

Sabrinaღ'sbooks said...

Hi, Carrie! My daughter and I can't wait to read your books! I just know we will love them! Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win a copy of Need!

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Please enter me - I would love to read this.

I also tweeted: http://twitter.com/cfulcher/status/8901630822


kalynnick said...

Carrie,how long does it take you to write one book?

kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I need this.

Persephone said...

Would love to win!

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Eep, I would love to win this book! I've always wanted to buy it myself, but I'm poor. Hopefully, I win. =[


Unknown said...

This book has a lot of hype! Many thanks for the guest post :)

Would deffo love a chance to win Need so i could see what the hype is all about!

rubs.escalona [at] gmail.com

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

No need to enter me, darling. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.

vonze said...

+1 http://twitter.com/catnipmeow


Thanks! I always knew pixies were evil...now I can read about them and how out how evil!

vonze said...

*and find out how evil!

My bad, hee.

Miss Haley said...

Oh! I NEED to read NEED! lol


I posted at twitter.com/haleymathiot
I blogged here: http://haleymathiot.blogspot.com/2010/02/few-contests.html

hope i win!

Sarah said...

Great post! Though I was sad at the part when she mentioned that they don't hang out with Peter Pan. ;)

+1 sidebar!

Thanks for the contest, Kim!

two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

Teresa said...

A totally different view of pixies. Sounds like an interesting read
mstlee2000 @ hotmail.com

Jenny Le said...

Please consider me. Thank you! Love you're blog! It's really helpful. :D

Mary said...

I would like a chance, thank you
darrma2000 @ gmail.com

Michelle said...

I am really looking forward to reading this series - the covers especially draw the eye. Love all the gold! Thanks

Mmillet at gmail dot com

Megan said...

Great giveaway! I can't wait to read this series.


sunonglass said...

I think Wendy may have thought Tinkerbell a little on the evil side at times. Need and Captivate are now on my to read list. Thanks for a chance to win Need. :)


Anonymous said...

Great contest!


CallMeKayla said...

I've been wanting to read this!! If I'm lucky, maybe I will finally be able to..


dollgina said...

Love this series! Would like to get an extra copy for my public library. :)

+1 for RT:


Jason said...

Sounds great! I'm in!


Stephanie Grant said...

Sounds like an awesome book please enter me

Stephanie Grant said...

I blogged:

Manderiffic said...

This looks good!

Enter me!


Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to read this book for so long! Please enter me into the contest. Thank you!

malazan7th said...

I NEED this book...Groan!!!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW ! This book sounds AMAZING !


ginnn7 said...

great review, sounds like a good book.thanks


Michelle Santiago said...

count me in please!

bookmakeupreview AT gmail DOT com

holdenj said...

It figures those supposedly cute pixies would be evil! Please count me in. Thanks!

Linda Kish said...

I never new pixies were evil.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Emma Michaels said...

What an amazing contest! I am so glad that I found it in time to enter. I have been wanting to read this book. It sounds great!!!

Emma Michaels

~The Book Pixie said...

Well since I AM The Book Pixie, I think it is only fair I win. lol. j/k. Seriously though, I've really been wanting this book. Please count me in.

+1 Sidebar: http://thebookpixie.blogspot.com/

~Briana :D

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Count me in!

Ooh I am so excited! Would LOVE to win this book!

+1 Sidebar http://princesscourtneysbarr.blogspot.com


mbt shoes said...

Classroom book is very interesting. Last week bought a Demon's Covenant .... Always read the breaks on my work .. Who fan read recommend this book....