"There are thousands of thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up the pen and writes. ~William Makepeace Thackeray

Winter Craig finally gets up the nerve and tells her long-time friend Spencer that she likes him as more than a friend. The best part? Spencer likes her as more than a friend too. With the perfect boy to love and be loved by, she begins her senior year at her small Alaska school and indulges in the dream of becoming a costume designer for the movie industry. Life is perfect — until tragedy strikes. Winter’s perfect life turns upside down as she deals with an unbearable loss, doubts about her future, a best friend whose home life is getting worse by the day, and unexpected feelings for an unexpected boy.
It's really difficult to pick a favorite line, scene or passage. It all works together to tell the story.
Do you remember the first words you ever wrote for Winter Longing and are they still in the novel today?
What was your inspiration for Winter Longing -- can you give us any insight into that first spark that helped form the idea for the novel?In addition, can you tell us about how it changed since your initial rough draft?

Initially, I had written the book where we see Spencer, Winter's friend and first boyfriend, but now we only see him in flashbacks at the beginning of each chapter. I didn't know how it would work, but I think it ends up being more powerful.
If you had to attach a musical score to your novel, what songs do you imagine playing during prominent scenes?

What do you love most about the main characters of Winter Longing?
If you could inhabit the life of one literary character and dive into their world for just one day, who would you choose and why?

What were you like as a teen? Were there any books in particular that were your favorite?
Bookish, unsure of myself, not popular, a good student. Sometimes I wish I could take the person I am now and plant her back in high school because I know I'd be much more confident and be able to deal with situations differently. But I expect a lot of people feel the same way about themselves as they get older. I read a good bit of romance and classic books like Gone with the Wind. The teen fiction market today is so much more varied and vibrant. The teen fiction market in the '80s was pretty thin. I would have read today's teen books like crazy if I'd had access to them then.What types of feedback do you receive from readers? Is there one comment in particular that has really affected you?
What can we look forward to from you next? Any new projects or upcoming series in the works?
I've just submitted revisions on a paranormal trilogy that I'm really excited about. We're hoping to find a publishing home for it soon so I can share it with readers.Adult Books
by Tricia Mills aka Trish Milburn

by Tricia Mills aka Trish Milburn

Tricia Mills grew up in Kentucky and got her degree in print journalism. She has worked as a newspaper reporter, a marketing assistant, and a magazine managing editor, and she now freelance writes and edits full time. She and her husband live in Tennessee.
To learn more about Tricia Mills, visit her Official Website
Purchase Winter Longing at Amazon.com.
She went to Dragon Con :) How cool! She sounds like she is way down to earth and fun :)
I love the questions you asked. I have this one coming to me now :) I love Heartbreak River (great characters and a plot that went places I didn't expect, plus i read it in one day - I love books that I lose myself in like that). Cant wait to read this one :)
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