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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Check out the trailer for The Vampire Stalker by Allison Van Diepen

by Allison Van Diepen
Scholastic Point **June 1, 2011 
I glanced at him, and felt like the air had been sucked out of me. 
His profile was straight and chiseled. Dark brown hair curled slightly over the collar of his long, cape-like coat. A line from Otherworld came to mind: He would have been classically handsome were it not for the forbidding expression on his face.

I gave my head a shake. After all I’d just been through, I was still thinking of Alexander Banks. It must have been a mirage—my mind’s way of bringing me comfort after the terror.

What if the characters in a vampire novel left their world--and came into yours?

Amy is in love with someone who doesn't exist: Alexander Banks, the dashing hero in a popular series of vampire novels. Then one night, Amy meets a boy who bears an eerie resemblance to Alexander. In fact, he IS Alexander, who has escaped from the pages of the book and is in hot pursuit of a wicked vampire named Vigo. Together, Amy and Alexander set out to track Vigo and learn how and why Alexander crossed over. But when she and Alexander begin to fall for each other, Amy wonders if she even wants him to ever return to the realm of fiction.

I just finished the book this weekend- it was so amazing! My only complaint? It's over! This is one to surely keep an eye out for.


Aydrea said...

I can't wait for this one. Glad you liked it, makes me want to read it even more!

Books for Company said...

l so want to read this!
Thanks for the trailer

Tales of Whimsy said...

WHOA! Sounds great. Can't wait for your review!

Anonymous said...

*ADDS to to-read list*

Anonymous said...

*ADDS to to-read list*